Filtering and Grouping Activities
To filter the hierarchy The organizational structure of folders, sub-folders and investment plans in Spend. of activities so that it only shows activities that match criteria you have chosen, follow these steps:
In Uptempo, click Activities.
Click the
Filter button.
The Filter by menu opens.
Note: You can type keywords into most of the fields in the Filter by menu to narrow down the list of selections:
To filter by specific activity
Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales. types, use the Type filter. On the line labeled Type:
Use the Select Condition dropdown menu to choose an operator:
is: Allows you to specify a single activity type
A template for activities that defines what attributes are available and required, and what workflows are associated with the activity..
is one of: Allows you to specify multiple activity types.
Use the Set a Value dropdown menu to choose the type or types:
If you chose the operator is, click on the activity type you want to view. The selected activity type is displayed in the Set a Value field.
If you chose the operator is one of, click on a checkbox for an activity type to select it. Selected activity types are displayed in the Set a Value field.
Note: If a type is shown with a > symbol, you can hover or click on it to view and select subtypes.
To filter by any available attribute (e.g. Name, In-Market Date, etc.), use the Select Attribute dropdown menu to choose the attribute you want.
After you choose an attribute, the Select Condition dropdown menu is shown:
Use the Select Condition dropdown menu to choose an operator:
is: Allows you to specify a value for the attribute. To be displayed, attributes must have a value for the selected attribute that exactly matches the specified value.
If you choose this operator, use the Set a Value field that is shown to specify the value.
is empty: To be displayed, activities must have no value for the selected attribute.
is not empty: To be displayed, activities must have a value for the selected attribute.
contains: Allows you to specify a value for the attribute. To be displayed, attributes must have a value for the selected attribute that contains the specified value
If you choose this operator, use the Set a Value field that is shown to specify the value.
Optional: To add more filter conditions, click the Add Filter button.
Another Select Attribute dropdown menu is displayed on a new line. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to configure the added filter condition.
Note: The Add Filter button will be deactivated if any existing filters (except the Type filter) have not yet been fully configured.
If you want to remove any filter condition you have added, click the × Remove Condition button beside it.
To apply the filter conditions you have set to the activity hierarchy
The structured organization of marketing activities, typically including levels such as Plan, Campaign, Program, and Tactic., click Apply.
The Filter by menu closes, and the activity hierarchy is filtered according to the filter conditions you have set.
When any filters are active, the Filter button changes to display the number of filters currently applied, and the active filter conditions are shown:
To apply grouping to the activity hierarchy, follow these steps:
Click the
Group by button.
Use the dropdown menu to select the attribute you want to group by.
To apply the grouping, click Apply.
The Group by dialog opens.
Select an item in the dropdown or enter a keyword to search the dropdown.
The Filter by menu closes, and the activity hierarchy is grouped according to your settings.
When grouping is active, the Group by button changes to reflect the grouping attribute that is currently applied: